Firm Profile
The attorneys ofGreiff & Koven, Thomas (Yakov) Greiff and Pinchas Koven, have over 55 yearsof combined lawyering experience. Greiff & Koven functions as a boutiquefirm, offering partner-only legal service to every client.Accordingly, we demand from ourselves and routinely provide personal service ofthe highest standard.
Being fully bilingualand versed in the business and cultural standards of both Israel and the UnitedStates, Greiff & Koven offers US (as well as other English-speaking) andIsraeli clients a full range of services in both countries, running the gamutfrom court-appointed overseas court proceedings to private international estateplanning and realization of overseas assets. We specialize in handling theunique and unexpected complications that characteristically arise incross-border matters.
Greiff-Koven offerslegal services in the areas of Family Law, Real Estate, Civil Litigation,Criminal Law, Building and Planning Law and Administrative Law.
Greiff-Koven offersFamily Law services including Trusts and Wills, Senior Law, Probate,Guardianship [ Apotropsut], pre-nuptial agreements, Living Wills, etc.and most areas of Family Law [excluding Divorce]. The firm specializes inplanning estates, Trusts and wills and wills according to Halacha [Jewish law]for clients/testators with dual citizenship, such as American or anotherAnglo-Saxon citizenship as well as Israeli citizenship. We also provide legalservices for obtaining Israeli Probate Orders or foreign Orders, and generalprobate and estate litigation. We are authorized to execute the new IsraeliDurable Power of Attorney.
G&K alsospecializes in real estate in Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem, and practically anywhereis Israel, as well as acquisition of farms [ meshek] in moshavim. G&Krepresents small businesses and start-ups in Israel with ongoing legal counsel,commercial contract and litigation services, including Israeli labor law andcorporate law.
Greiff-Koven offersspecialized International cross-border legal services: Israeali enforcement offoreign judgments; written expert legal opinions on American law in Israelicourts and vice-versa, legal representation for Israelis in the United States andrepresentation of foreigners in Israeli proceedings; the taking oftestimony/depositions for American proceedings, investigation/location andattachment of assets in Israel; investigation/location of foreign assets;registration of trademarks, etc.
Greiff-Koven alsoprovides second legal opinions, case evaluations, and peer review of otherattorney’s work both in Israel and the US.
Advocate Kovenspecializes in Building and Planning Law, including filing of objections,appeals, and [ hitnagduyot] and full representation in all planningstages; criminal defense in building code violations.
Yakov Greiff offers criminal defense inmisdemeanors and minor felonies and crime victim advocacy.
Advocate Greiff provides full Notary services andtranslations in English and Hebrew, as well as Israeli Apostille services, andthe Israeli equivalent of American Notary services in Israel.